
Pediatric OPD

The healthcare needs and requirements of a child differ widely from that of an adult. Right from the time your child is born, till the age of 18, your child may require specialised care. Anand Care Clinic comprises of a team of highly specialised medical professionals who are experienced in taking care of chronic disease management, acute illnesses, injury, mental or behavioural disorders and rehabilitation, offering your child a wide range of outpatient services. We have considerable experience in dealing with and treating young patients and have the required skills to treat childhood illnesses and diseases. Our paediatric outpatient clinic also extends specialised care to premature babies and newborns who need special care because of health conditions that require close monitoring.

What are the paediatric outpatient services available?

Services such as consultation, procedure, tests or treatments that do not require an overnight stay in the medical centre are known as outpatient services. Many of these medical procedures can be done in a few hours, without an overnight stay. Services provided at Anand Care Clinic’s paediatric outpatient centre include:
  • Screening, wellness and preventive services such as consultations, health checks, immunisation, behavioural counselling and counselling for learning disorders
  • Lab diagnostics and medical scans
  • Disease management programs such as for asthma, kidney disease, cardiac disease, anaemia, epilepsy,
  • Minor treatments which include minor surgery, suturing of minor cuts and wounds and dressings
  • Therapy
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy

What are the benefits of paediatric outpatient services?

At Anand Care Clinic, our staff comprises of qualified and experienced medical professionals, specialised in various aspects of paediatric care. Additionally, you will have access to the best in modern technology and innovate medical treatment that is not only cost effective but also reduces your recovery time. Our outpatient services are designed to provide you and your child with the ultimate care and convenience, all under one roof. You can be reassured that your child need not undergo a hospital stay if the condition can be treated as an outpatient.
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